Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day Off

If John McCain wants to take the day off from campaigning then I guess I'll take the day off from posting any political related posts.

Yesterday our youngest daughter, Danielle, was the recipient of a Proud Principal Phone Call Home Award at school. Danielle and the principal of her school, Barb, called Dawn on her cell. Danielle got the award because last week her teacher was out sick for a few days and Danielle helped the subsitute teachers out. She helped them with the order of class and where to find things in the class. Two of the subs made mention to Barb what a great help Danielle was. Danielle received a nice certificate, a gift certificate for a free pizza buffet at Cici's and will have her picture up on the schools in-school TV channel "screen-saver" for the next month. So needless to say, Dawn and I are VERY proud of her.


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